Welcome to the Borg Collective

What's a collective? A personal amalgamation of owned fanlistings.


What's a fanlisting?

A fanlisting is a website created by a fan of a particular subject, with the aim gathering together with and listing other fans of that particular subject. The actual concept has probably been around for a long time but the term 'fanlisting' as a one-word noun was first used when Janine Mischor created The Fanlistings Network in 2000.

To join, you simply have to live in a country, have a name and a valid email address. Websites are not required and linking back if you do have one is optional -- but is greatly appreciated if you do! :)


Fanlistings I own:

12 current, 0 upcoming, 0 pending, with a total of 673 members (0 pending)

Farm Together CopyMeThat.com icanhascheezburger.com Bloodywood USA: Alabama Football: Alabama Crimson Tide Football Aion (Aion: The Tower of Eternity) Skulls Shetland WebRings Guild Wars 2


Fanlistings I've joined:

549 approved, 0 pending     I like a lot of things :)

Hathor Firefly Anubis Karl Urban DQ Blizzards Turquoise Aries The Lord of the Rings series Chocolate Bumblebee Zombies Paranormal / Supernatural Sunsets Wayne Brady Cats Michael Lee (Witch Hunter Robin) Copy Me That (site / app / service) Web Competitions Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Fish Urban Legends Harry Potter series Forests Iced Tea Hyperbole and a Half (Allie Brosh) Japanese Mythology: Kitsune Black Cats Harley Quinn Terra (Teen Titans) The Witcher Vampires Xena: Warrior Princess Moana Claymore Turanga Leela (Futurama) Pirates Lucifer Morningstar Usopp \\ Sogeking (One Piece) Carrie Fisher Tool Stevie Nicks Brian Cox Guardians of the Galaxy Surfing the Web / Websurfing Werewolves Paranormal Romance Law and Order Culture: Irish Strawberries Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (Jhonen Vasquez) Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines Shawn Spencer The Shining Kissing Batman Daniel Radcliffe Angela Lansbury Aion (Aion: The Tower of Eternity) Alabama football The Mandalorian Sebastian Stan Cheese iPhones Alice Cooper Mexican Food Imagination Frogs Hackers Sherlock Holmes book series Love Steampunk Connor and Murphy MacManus (Boondock Saints) Nami (One Piece) Brook / Soul King (One Piece) Smores Black Wolves Jeremy Renner Ocean's Eleven Cheddar Cheese Suffragettes Red Pandas Carol Burnett Lasagna Computers Pikachu Bayonetta Indiana Jones series Egyptian Queens The Replacements Thunderstorms Ozzy Osbourne Alita Battle Angel Shanks (One Piece) Labyrinth Pro-Choice Tokyo Ghoul Chinese Food Nerds Belgian Waffles Freddie Mercury Queen of the Damned Dracula 2 / Judas Food Vampire genre Flamingos River Song Siamese Cats Red Nail Polish Wade Wilson / Deadpool Dracula (1931) Lacuna Coil Werewolves KoRn Joining Fanlistings Witch Hunter Robin Friday the 13th Web Design Garlic Bread Grace and Frankie Italian Food Raccoons Sleepy Hollow Tamales Snow Leopard Aquaman Daria Gary Oldman Fast and the Furious H.P. Lovecraft Fajitas Universe Ein (Cowboy Bebop) Clue Princess Nefertari Vivi (One Piece) Watching Movies Legally Blonde Stars Dracula Sharks Tea Naked Men One Piece Cradle of Filth Fettuccine The Dark Knight French Fries Fall / Autumn Rocky Horror Picture Show Super Mario Brothers Dumbledore's Army US Flag American McGee's Alice Hot Chocolate Guns 'n Roses Adopted and Rescued Cats Fire Redheaded Women Boots xXx Weird Al Yankovic Stone Temple Pilots Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop) Listening to Music Pirates J. R. R. Tolkien Vincent van Gogh Friday the 13th series WebRings Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha) Photoshop Teresa (Claymore) Luis Royo Robert Downey Jr. Elvira Maleficent Chun Li (Street Fighter) Christopher Lee X-Men Comics Phillip J. Fry (Futurama) The Planets Sango (Inuyasha) Clueless Coffee Emotions Salem's Lot Dreamcatchers T-shirts Taika Waititi Web Standards Tabby Cats Mythology Vin Diesel Crows Emoticons Kurt Cobain White Wolves Coventina Addams Family Values The Witcher series Stephen King Inside Jokes Practical Magic Interview with the Vampire Spaceballs Pets Peach Pie Fog Computer Programming Ip Man Trigun Animal Lovers Sweet Transvestite (Rocky Horror Picture Show) Bastet Futurama Animaniacs Led Zeppelin History Channel Burritos Waffles Mountain Dew Inuyasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass Pie Bees Ryan Reynolds The Princess and the Frog Anti-Bullying Movement Halloween series Live Fantasy Literature Spicy Food Inuyasha series Silver The Princess Bride Fanlisting Collectives Peaches Tom Hiddleston Disturbed Lavender Penne Jack Black The Fifth Element Mozilla Firefox Seed Beads Spanking Puns Chips and Salsa Tattooed Men Squirrels German Shepherds Castles Seth Green Vampire Hunter D Robin Hood: Men in Tights Hellboy Halloween Tsume (Wolf's Rain) Japanese Cherry Blossom / Sakura Turtles The Nutcracker Spaghetti Arsene Lupin III Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) Cake Romance Mermaids Wednesday Addams Trafalgar Law (One Piece) TFL Boards Crowley Dr Pepper Carl Sagan Bananas Neil Gaiman Keanu Reeves Fanlistings Batman and the Joker Nirvana Cockatoos Mythology Legacy of Kain series Concerning Hobbits Science Fiction Classic Rock Orcas / Killer Whales Ninja Scroll Hyundai Misha Collins X-Men Prince Vlad / Dracula Japanese Food The Moon Wolves Siouxsie and the Banshees Star Wars Alice in Wonderland (1985) Elf Pears Bruce Willis Mashed Potatoes Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun) Girl Gamers Blogging Dinosaurs Grilled Cheese Incredibles Sherlock Holmes Creating/Maintaining Fanlistings Doctor Who Elijah Wood Shetland Guild Wars 2 Mistresses, Dominants/Tops, Domination and Submission (D & S) Dave Grohl Tigers Solar System Asian Horror Eminem / Marshall Mathers / Slim Shady PHP Steam Zombies Annie Lennox Wolf's Rain The Phantom of the Opera Ben Solo / Kylo Ren Wolf Among Us Blue Roses Mine Fujiko (Lupin) Taco Tuesday Cowboy Bebop Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight Tacos Carrie M&Ms Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Anti-Terrorism Movement Elephants Pasta Online Friends Mad Love - The Joker & Harley Quinn Animal (Muppets) Les Miserables Apple iPad Football The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe CPanel The First Wives Club Patrick Stewart Bettie Page Coca-Cola Peppermint candy Extinct Animals The Cure Abandoned Sites Grey Wolves Alfred Hitchcock Cheese Pizza Lanterns Potatoes BLTs Star Trek Women Halloween Decorations Pineapples Crime Fiction Horus Teen Titans Thor Skulls Nightmare Before Christmas Redheads / Red Hair Fans Fans Fans Internet Wendy's Chicky Nuggies The Matrix Fondling/Caressing Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Nature Samurai Ghost / Ghost B.C. Candyman Phoenix Suicide Squad Foreplay Videl Satan (DBZ/DBGT) Metal Music Faeries / Fairies Christopher Nolan AnimeFanlistings.com Night Supernatural Jeans American Psycho Dragonflies Daniel Craig Cumming/Ejaculating/Orgasms Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Howlett, James aka Logan 'Wolverine' Depeche Mode Timothy Olyphant Witchcraft Hieroglyphs Hellraiser Leon: The Professional Volcanoes Rammstein Beowulf David Bowie Grindhouse Happiness Queen Blackbirds Tom Hardy Portugas D. Ace (One Piece) Psych Reindeer Harley Quinn Shaun of the Dead Waterfalls Nightmare Before Christmas OST Birds Miroku (Inuyasha) Sweeney Todd Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece) Thor: Ragnarok Ancient Egypt Street Fighter series Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Monty Python: Life of Brian Samurai Jack Bulma Briefs (DB/DBZ) Pitch Black Christianity Jared Leto Muffins Diehard Despicable Me James Cagney Singing Tim Curry Feminism Spock Listening to Music Pop Rocks Burton "Gus" Guster The Whole Nine Yards Black Animals Leverage Serenity The Full Monty Twister The Cruxshadows Animal Rights Movement Croissants Murder, She Wrote Gods and Goddesses Resident Evil series Dragonball series Higurashi Kagome (Inuyasha) Sisters of Mercy Methos Horror Jerry Orbach Batman icanhascheezburger.com Nightmare on Elmstreet series Norse Mythology Inuyasha Ironman Underworld Gothic Music Bloodywood HTML (HyperText Markup Language) The Lost Boys Idris Elba Chocolate Cake The Eyes of the Dragon Black Nail Polish Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece) Sherlock Right to Die Movement Witches Chocolate Chip Cookies Masturbation The 13th Warrior The Witcher book series Graphic Design Batman movies Space Johnny Cash Playing Computer and Video Games Bacon Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show) Saints Row Hummingbirds Legend of Zelda series Cemetery Angels / Graveyard Angels / Stone Angels Invader Zim The Terminator Poptarts Avengers Ninjas Christmas Lights Can Has?  Memes Carlton Lassiter Enthusiast Fennec Foxes The Fanlistings Network Doctor Who Maleficent: Mistress of Evil The Goonies Magpies Lucifer Psycho Lisbeth Salander Batman and Catwoman Samuel L Jackson Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Rainbows Animals Animal Rescue and Adoption Groups Set Ladybugs Ravens Four Leaf Clover Jesus Christ ASPCA / NSPCA Office Space Selkies Adopted and Rescued Animals Strawberries Captain Marvel Drawing and Painting Time Warp (Rocky Horror Picture Show) Alan Rickman Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) Deadpool Godzilla / Gojira Thorny Devils Roses Farm Together Lynyrd Skynyrd Tomatoes Medieval Plague Doctors Prince Alabama (state of) Tetris Loki and Thor Pluto David Tennant


Affiliates & Links: [?]

Mal Road to Nowhere AlterListings LinkLane December Girl Digital Wonderland Fannish EPHEMERAL This Love Fairytale Dreams Insanely Devoted Glitter Skies Dirty Martini F A N L Y Queen of her own universe Pretty Lies Nerd Listings Heart of Snow Artistic Shadow Theatre Girl Evidence Girl for Hire Strong is Fighting Precious I Heart You Collectives Fanlisting! Smooth Sailing Listings Hero to Villain Mikh's Fanlistings Moonshot Listings Angels & Villains Rhythm Emotion Sunday Blues Midnight Rendezvous Sweater Weather Totally Girl Element Starlit Yerfej List-Me Thirteenth Floor Fandom Savant Captivated


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The Graveyard:

Fanlistings which are loved and missed, but sadly no longer exist ...